7 03, 2025

Harriet Tubman Day Celebration is March 8, 2025


Head to the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park & Visitor Center in Church Creek, Maryland Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 10am to 4pm for a day filled with educational programming on the topics of archaeology, architecture, music, nature, and more. Learn how all of these topics relate to Harriet Tubman.

Full Harriet Tubman Day Schedule:

10 a.m.: Archaeology of Harriet Tubman’s Birthplace – Learn about the research and methods that Maryland Department of Transportation archaeologists used to find the buried remains of Harriet Tubman’s father’s home and other enslaved communities with Chief Archaeologist, Julie Schablitsky. There will also be a discussion on the artifacts found and what they tell us about slavery and 19th century life on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

11 a.m.: The View North with HTUR VC Architect Chris Elcock – Come learn why the Visitor Center looks the way it does and discover some of the hidden meanings embedded within the facility and the surrounding landscape of the park. A talk will be given by Chris Elcock AIA, IIDA, LEED AP, Principal of GWWO Architects.

Noon: More Than Just Statistics…Rebuilding Black Families After Slavery with Experts, Chris Haley and Maya Davis – Haley will explore the complexity of connecting formerly-enslaved families after emancipation, who are listed in the Dorchester County, Maryland Slave Statistics to the 1870 Census. Davis will close the discussion by highlighting a case study of the Plummer Family, formerly enslaved in Prince George’s County.

1 p.m.: Music: Freedom of the Soul – Join Ranger Robin in an exploration into the surprising African roots of our modern music including pop, rock, and country. Join us as we learn the hidden history of American music and how our most iconic instrument, the banjo, wouldn’t exist without the artistry of the African diaspora.

2 p.m.: Rooted Wisdom podcast…Exploring Tubman Country – Visiting sites both well-known and overlooked, the Rooted Wisdom podcast reveals the people and places that shaped the Underground Railroad and considers how their stories continue to shape our lives today.

Traditional children’s games and crafts available all day!

Events are free; donations are welcome. The Tubman Visitor Center, Stop #14 on the road trip known as the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway, is located at 4068 Golden Hill Rd, Church Creek, MD; 410-221-2290.


Harriet Tubman Day Celebration is March 8, 20252025-03-07T09:27:08-05:00
2 03, 2024

UGRR stamps to be dedicated at Harriet Tubman Day March 9

Join in the Harriet Tubman Day celebration on March 9, 2024 at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park & Visitor Center in Church Creek, MD. The highlight will be the official, national dedication of the new U.S. Postal Service stamps that feature Tubman and nine other Underground Railroad heroes! Plus a presentation by well-known Tubman re-enactor Millicent Sparks at 1pm; a talk by Kate Clifford Larsen, author of “Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero,” at 1pm; and an National Park Service presentation at 3pm
>> If you’re interested in the stamp dedication, it’s at 11am (stamps go on sale at 10am). RSVP here.
>> Make a weekend of it by exploring the road trip known as the Tubman Byway here on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Plan your trip at HarrietTubmanByway.org.
>> And for more ideas of how to mark Harriet Tubman Month, see this roundup.
UGRR stamps to be dedicated at Harriet Tubman Day March 92024-03-02T09:14:19-05:00
26 02, 2023

5 ways to celebrate Harriet Tubman Month in her homeland in March 2023


Celebrate Harriet Tubman in the land where she was born in March, unofficially considered Harriet Tubman Month. This was the month she was born here in Dorchester County on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. And March 10 is officially Harriet Tubman Day in the United States – commemorating the anniversary of her passing on that day in 1913. Here are a few ideas on how to mark Tubman Month here along the Tubman Byway on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Harriet Tubman Day at the Tubman Visitor Center

March 11, 10:30am-3:30pm

Tubman Visitor CenterThe Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park & Visitor Center hosts its annual Harriet Tubman Day Celebration with programs, activities, and ranger-led talks. Free admission. In Church Creek, Maryland along the Tubman Byway.

  • 10:30am: “Valhalla Voices.” Performed by Cambridge-South Dorchester High School students.
  • 11am: From Africa to America: The Advent of Negro Spirituals – Ranger Lawson Nwakudo explores the history of spirituals and how they serve as the cultural undergirding of African American music.
  • 12pm: Tubman’s Tree: Harriet Tubman and the Eastern Red Cedar. A ranger shares the role this tree species played in Tubman’s life.
  • 1pm: Unknown Maryland Freedom Seekers from the Eastern Shore. Hear the stories of Alexander Helmsley, Moses Viney, and Isaac Mason – some of the lesser known courageous people who escaped slavery.
  • 1pm: Meet Harriet Tubman. Official Griot for the State of Maryland, Janice Curtis Greene interprets Harriet Tubman.
  • 2pm: Visions of Freedom. Watch this film and join in a question-and-answer session.
  • 12-3pm: Family activities include a 12pm reading of the children’s book “An Apple for Harriet Tubman,” followed by traditional children’s games and crafts.

See the flyer.

While you’re there, don’t miss the Harriet Tubman Byway Quilt, which depicts all 45 sites along the byway. It was created by the National African American Quilt Guild. Watch this video for close-up views of each square.

Harriet Tubman Day: Stories at the Sculpture

March 11, 4pm

Walter Jones, storyteller and musicianExperience the extraordinary power of storytelling through the narratives of Harriet Tubman’s journeys and those who have been inspired by her. To celebrate Harriet Tubman Day, the new Beacon of Hope sculpture in Cambridge, MD (along the Tubman Byway) will be the scene for music, stories and reminiscences that connect, inspire and engage. The program, sponsored by Alpha Genesis Community Development Corp. and the Harriet Tubman Museum and Education Center, is free and open to the public. The location for this occasion is especially appropriate – the new Beacon of Hope sculpture of Harriet Tubman that was just unveiled last fall at the Dorchester County Courthouse, 206 High Street, Cambridge. In case of rain, the event will be held inside at the Harriet Tubman Museum, 424 Race Street, Cambridge.

The schedule features:

  • Musical Storyteller. Walter Jones, an engaging storyteller and musician, will perform.
  • Stories in the Stones. Each of the inscribed pavers at the sculpture has a story and a personal connection to Harriet Tubman. Hear first-hand compelling and inspiring tales.
  • Youth Inspiration. Hear from our next generation, in their own words, as young authors read from their Harriet Tubman-inspired book, Discovering Harriet: Harriet’s Journey Home. Students from Dorchester County wrote and illustrated the book.

See the flyer.

See program schedule.

Take a road trip through Tubman Country

Bucktown General Store - Harriet Tubman Byway - Photo by Jill JasutaExplore the road trip known as the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway, which begins in Dorchester County, Maryland – where Harriet Tubman was born – and winds its way to Philadelphia. It encompasses 45 sites, including the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center and the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center. Don’t miss the free audio guide app, with virtual and augmented reality features at some of the sites. Plan your trip.

Combine history and birding

Birding the Tubman Byway - Photo courtesy Delmarva Birding WeekendsJoin a Birding the Tubman Byway tour on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, which combines history and nature. During this guided, self-driven tour, you’ll learn about the life and times of the famed freedom seeker and human rights activist known as “The Moses of Her People,” Harriet Tubman. The route courses through the farms and Chesapeake Bay marshes of Dorchester County, home to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge and some of the best birding and Bald Eagle watching on America’s Eastern Seaboard. Led by Delmarva Birding Weekends and Harriet Tubman Tours.
The next tour date is 1-5pm, March 25, 2023; more dates may be added. Details.

Join a tour or walk

  • Join a tour of the Tubman Byway with Harriet Tubman Tours. Half-day, full-day, and custom tours available.  Find out more.
  • Take a guided walk of some of the Tubman Byway sites with the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center. Find out more or call 410-228-0401.


5 ways to celebrate Harriet Tubman Month in her homeland in March 20232023-03-11T08:58:21-05:00
1 02, 2020

Harriet Tubman Day events March 7 at the Tubman Visitor Center


The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park & Visitor Center in Maryland is hosting a day of special events on Saturday, March 7 in honor of what’s known as Harriet Tubman Day, the day that the Underground Railroad hero died on March 10, 1913.

Enjoy live music, programs by Team Tubman and self-guided activities as they honor the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman during the Year of the Woman. The event is free of charge and all programs are family-friendly.

Music and Ranger-led Programs

African-American Spirituals at 10am in the Pavilion, weather permitting. If it’s cold or raining, the program will occur in the Multi-Purpose Room. Learn about Spirituals in African-American History as National Park Service Superintendent Deanna Mitchell presents on the legacy of spirituals in the United States.

A Musical Journey with Diana Wagner at 11am in the Multi-Purpose Room
Diana Wagner is a sought-after Eastern Shore multi-instrumentalist who specializes in historic and traditional folk and blues music. When Diana is not playing instruments, she is Associate Professor of Education at Salisbury University and serves as a Volunteer Ranger for the Maryland Park Service.

Reading Ranger at 12pm in the Research Library
Meet Ranger Nwakudo in the research library and enjoy stories of Minty’s youth and time on the Underground Railroad.

Songs of Freedom at 1pm in the Multi-Purpose Room
Celebrate freedom through music with Ranger Crenshaw and learn about the songs featured in the Visitor Center and the movie Harriet. Participation is encouraged, bring your voice and a smile!

Mancala! Mancala! Mancala! at 2pm in the Research Library
Join Ranger Crenshaw and learn how to play the board game Mancala! It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master. Bring a smile and creativity and create your own game board.

Important Women in Harriet Tubman’s Life at 3pm in the Multi-Purpose Room
Learn about women who were important to Ms. Tubman with Ranger Maszkiewicz including Rit Green Ross (mother), Susan B. Anthony (fellow suffragette) and Sarah Bradford (first biographer).

Self-guided Activities: Available throughout the day

The Life and Legacy of Harriet Tubman: Find out more about the life and legacy of Ms. Tubman, complete the activities and earn a patch!

Sights & Sounds of Freedom: Learn about the art and music in the exhibits, complete the activities and earn a patch!


The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park & Visitor Center is located at 4068 Golden Hill Road, Church Creek, Maryland 21622. If you have questions, call 410-221-2290.

Harriet Tubman Day events March 7 at the Tubman Visitor Center2020-03-14T10:08:43-04:00
24 02, 2019

Harriet Tubman Day events on March 10


Special events are planned for Sunday, March 10, which is considered Harriet Tubman Day, since it marks the anniversary of her death in 1913 (her exact birthdate is unknown). It also marks the two-year anniversary of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center. The Visitor Center is Stop #13 along the Harriet Tubman Byway, a scenic, self-guided driving tour of 36 historically sites on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Also, don’t miss the Harriet Tubman Banquet on March 9, featuring a musical tribute to this American hero.

Here are the special events happening at the Tubman Visitor Center on March 10:

Symbolism in Harriet; Symbolism in Me

Both the park and the visitor center’s life-size bust of Harriet Tubman were designed with symbolism in mind. Spend time with Ranger Roe creating your own piece of art while learning about the hidden meanings of the park and the bust in the lobby.

Behind the Scenes of Harriet Tubman: Soldier of Freedom

Join actor B. Cherie Patterson as she shares her preparation process to become Harriet Tubman in the visitor center’s upcoming orientation film “Harriet Tubman: Soldier of Freedom.” She will take you through her thought process, how she researched Tubman, and on-set challenges.

Reading Ranger

Meet a ranger in the research library and enjoy stories of Minty’s youth and time on the Underground Railroad.


Join writer and producer Rona Kobell and Smithville native Keith Cornish for a viewing of the film Smithville and hear what life was like and why Smithville and similar communities are so important to preserve.

Mancala! Mancala! Mancala!

Join a ranger and learn how to play the board game Mancala! It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master. Bring a smile and creativity and create your own game board.

The View North – GWWO’s Story-Based Design Approach to the Visitor Center

Come learn why the visitor center looks the way it does and discover some of the hidden meaning embedded within the facility from the architects.

Harriet Tubman Day events on March 102019-02-28T11:08:16-05:00
16 02, 2019

Tubman Banquet is March 9 in Cambridge, MD


The Harriet Tubman Banquet celebrates the life of Harriet Tubman — a freedom fighter, scout, spy, nurse an abolitionist born here in Dorchester County. The banquet happens on Saturday, March 9, in Cambridge, Maryland.

This year’s theme is “A Homecoming Celebration for Harriet Tubman” and will feature a musical tribute to those in Dorchester County who were among the first to work tirelessly to keep her legacy alive. There will be musical selections from two groups — the Barry Foreman Trio and the Spiritual Vessels out of Hurlock.

The event runs from 2:45pm to 5:30pm at the Elks Lodge #223 at 618 Pine Street, Cambridge, MD 21613.

The event is sponsored by the Harriet Tubman Organization, Inc., which operates the volunteer-run Harriet Tubman Museum, the place that has been preserving and promoting Tubman’s legacy for more than 30 years.

Tickets cost $30 per person. To purchase tickets, call Bill Jarmon at 301-221-1732, the Harriet Tubman Museum (during open hours only; Tuesday through Saturday, 12-3pm) at 410-228-0401 or Donald Pinder at 410-330-1185.

Consider making it a Harriet Tubman weekend by taking part in the special Tubman Day events happening at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park & Visitor Center on Sunday, March 10. The visitor center is about a 20-minute drive from the site of the banquet.

Tubman Banquet is March 9 in Cambridge, MD2019-02-28T11:10:05-05:00
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